Hornet Maskun



A documentary exploring the haunted tales of Highland High.


What do you want the audience to take away from the film?

The history as well as the personal stories of Highland High and the teachers and students who have witnessed paranormal activity. Highland is a diverse and historically significant and interesting place with many stories to tell. These are just a fraction of them.

Which scene did you have an absolute blast filming and why?

I had the most fun filming the basement because it was like a maze and it was cool to explore!

Why are opportunities like Film Prize Junior important to students like you?

I want to make films, so this is good experience for me to have.

What obstacles challenged you and your crew the most when completing this film? What did you learn from making this short film?

We had to learn a lot of new programs like premiere and photoshop. We also had obstacles like coordinating timing with other students and transportation, and obstacles like not being able to go in certain parts of the school. I learned photoshop, and how to interview people and about filmmaking in general. I also learned how to coordinate scheduling things with people.

What advice would you give to future participants in Film Prize Junior?

Know that you’re going to have to learn new things like how to edit. Learning to work with other people and being flexible are both really important. Be prepared to do your homework and do the work!


Haneen A, Tony G


Gulsoom Qurbanzada

Camera / Cinematography

Haneen A

Additional camera

Lucille W


Larry D


Haneen A, Tony G


April 10, 2024