


Rez-documentary about understanding mental health and how its overlooked in many ways on the reservation.


What do you want the audience to take away from the film?

I want them to understand that mental health is a problem on the reservation and its not being handled the way it should be. Its telling different stories in ways that show that they, we need help. I want people to see it and be touched about how mental health on the reservation is being overlooked.

Which scene did you have an absolute blast filming and why?

I had a blast with filming with the boys Ray and Ahanyu, they made this film feel more fun and just having a good time. Even with what its about, they still made a way to make it happy.
I also enjoyed the moments I had with my grandmas because it was an intimate thing between us and it honestly got me closer to both of them.

Why are opportunities like Film Prize Junior important to students like you?

It’s important because it gives us an opportunity to try something that we’ve never tried before. That’s what it was like for me, I never did any type of filming before until now, and it was a good experience because it taught me more about patience and also just having a good imagination of what you want.
At first I didn’t know what to do or where start because I never did it, but with the help of Elena coming along she really helped me and made my vision come to life after feeling like quitting so many times.

What obstacles challenged you and your crew the most when completing this film? What did you learn from making this short film?

For me it was communications and just trying to have everyone board. Some people didn’t see the dedication that I wanted to be put into this and so that led to them being cut out of the documentary. Trying to schedule the filming times with the boys was a struggle as well because some didn’t communicate well with me and there time.
The communicating was hard, especially with scheduling and telling everyone my priorities and boundaries on how much time I have or what time I could give someone.
I learned that not everything needed to be perfect, that my documentary is about the rez and how its dealing with mental health, so I kept telling myself “its a rez documentary, on the rez nothing is perfect but it is beautiful and perfect in its own way.”

What advice would you give to future participants in Film Prize Junior?

It is overwhelming when you don’t have the support to show you how to edit and work things, that would be a big thing I’d tell them. If you want to do a film, just do your research on what you’re wanting to do and youtube everything about editing. Always look up reference videos so you have inspiration on what you’re imagining.






Marra, Lonnie Begaye


Ray, Ahanyu, Carline, Jeannie, Neal


April 10, 2024