A short film about a troublemaking student obsessed with his phone. which lands him and his friends in trouble.


What do you want the audience to take away from the film?

How important it is to keep phones put away.

Which scene did you have an absolute blast filming and why?

The scene where Tucker is taking the phone from the teachers desk. This is relatable to everyone because student fits the role so well, but didn’t like to be in front of the camera (something we found out half way through filming) so we had to work with him to get comfortable filming and saying his lines in a way that didn’t seem like he was reading them off like a robot.

Why are opportunities like Film Prize Junior important to students like you?

It helps us get a sense of what its like creating film and following the film process and coming out with a final result we wouldn’t be able to do on our own. it lets us have an insight to what this career could be from just an idea to a whole film from the results of your peers helping you make the film. Overall I am pleased with how fun and creative the whole film prize and film class was with this and would do it again.

What obstacles challenged you and your crew the most when completing this film? What did you learn from making this short film?

Getting everyone to where the same clothes. Filming took a total of four weeks because students would forget to bring their costumes. We ended up letting students where whatever and working that little bit into the film at the end. We learned how great it is to start a big project, finish said project, and feel the reward and sense of accomplishment that comes with that.

What advice would you give to future participants in Film Prize Junior?

Work hard and keep to your schedule. Their are so many days to complete a film and it’s super easy to let them slip away. Dont!






Joel, Bailey


Jesse, Elijah, Alan, Destiny



Costume design



Beatrice, Bailey


April 10, 2024