A Little Bit of Luck



One day, Nicky finds a penny on the ground and believes she will have good luck. Little does she know that this penny will cause her a world of trouble.


What do you want the audience to take away from the film?

Your luck is what you make it.,

Which scene did you have an absolute blast filming and why?

Falling into the pond was really fun because it happened by accident at first, but then we found a way to work it into the script.

Why are opportunities like Film Prize Junior important to students like you?

Because we get an opportunity to work with equipment we haven’t used before, learn new things, and have fun doing a creative project with our friends.

What obstacles challenged you and your crew the most when completing this film? What did you learn from making this short film?

Technical difficulties with learning how to use new equipment and software, and with working with slow computers. I learned that you need to plan ahead because things take much more time than you think they will.

What advice would you give to future participants in Film Prize Junior?

Plan, plan, plan. Things will go much more smoothly if you plan out details in advance, and if you understand that things will take much more time than you expect.

Production Team Members

Yael B, Esther B, Maylie B, Gillian B, Brooklyn S, Quincy F, Grace P, Jocelynn G


April 10, 2024