


An unsuspecting troup of circus performers move into a theater. Everything seems normal, until they find a strange trunk full of old dolls…


What do you want the audience to take away from the film?

I want the audience to feel excited about theater and circus, I want the audience to feel happy and maybe laugh a little, and I want them to maybe feel a little creeped out or surprised.

Which scene did you have an absolute blast filming and why?

I really enjoyed filming the circus scene because we could just really play around on the circus equipment, there weren’t any boundaries it was just what we felt like doing. I also really enjoyed filming the sleeping scene where me, as a doll, I walked out of the bedroom as a doll. that was really fun!

Why are opportunities like Film Prize Junior important to students like you?

Opportunities like film prize Jr. are important to people like me because we can make cool stories, work with other people, goof around, but also get the filming done, and have something to show for our work, and get our work out there.


April 10, 2024